Video content is the most trusted & reliable source of information in terms of saving time & effort. Internet users usually go for videos before heading to text messages as they understand more comprehensively & easily through videos than text. Because videos have got visuals. In fact visuals in motion. Video is just another name for a motion picture that conveys complicated messages with immense ease. So you can make a great business outcome with the help of your video marketing efforts. Here, you simply need to optimize your videos for search engine consideration. That’s what Video SEO is aimed at providing your business plans. 

You can improve or modify your video content in a way that it speaks for your website SEO effectively. You can explain a topic more easily & in a user-friendly way with video content. Hence the video content on your website or social media handle can attract a great amount of user traffic. YouTube is a renowned solution in this context. It is the best social media platform for internet marketers who are more concerned about video promotion than text. However, Video SEO is somewhat different from YouTube SEO. 

Through this post, you’ll get to learn how you can optimize your online videos representing your special products & services. You can also draw more traffic to your website that’s looking for this sort of content. In this post, we’re also going to discuss various benefits your online marketing campaign can draw from a relevant Video SEO approach. We’ve distributed the topic into the following parts: 

  • About Video SEO
  • Various Aspects of a Video SEO
  • Difference Between Video SEO & YouTube SEO
  • Steps to Employ Video SEO to Your Online Marketing Campaign
  • Closing Thoughts on Video SEO

If you’re already started with your Video SEO project for your online marketing campaign you’re still likely going to face problems if you’re new into the business. You can approach experienced online marketing experts at eGoodMedia for better insight into the solutions convenient for your business. We’re a famous Search Engine Marketing & Optimization Company based in Seattle!

About Video SEO

Like other website SEO approaches, Video SEO can provide your online business the best outcomes in terms of traffic and online recognition. It captures a specific segment of users and consumers who’re looking for specific content on your website. Videos are liked by most of the users and visitors out there. However, there could be other users too, who like to read more. You need to create a balance between all your website SEO parameters in this context. 

You need to figure out how many approaches you have there to serve to your online business. Coming back to Video SEO, you’re simply required to optimize your website videos in a way that search engines consider your corresponding web pages for more preference. That means you have to think about the search engine norms & protocols very carefully. You can follow the enlisted rules for better video optimization in this case: 

  • Initiate your goals for Video SEO- User Conversion, Brand Awareness or Link Building
  • Optimize for mobile- Make your video content mobile-friendly
  • Metadata- Make sure on the right meta title & meta description associated with your video content
  • Build a sitemap- Build a sitemap to rank your website videos
  • External sharing- Your need to share your best videos to different audiences on different platforms
  • Uploading videos to your website- Figure out where you want to post the video on your site
  • Engaging thumbnail- Inform the viewers about your video in advance
  • Video length- Remember the length of the video your website visitors require from you
  • Review likes & comments- Don’t forget to check the response of the audience and the corresponding result of your marketing efforts

In this way, you can optimize your online videos more effectively for better business growth and development. We suggest you visit eGoodMedia to get an overview of different website SEO techniques essential for your business model. Our Award-Winning Online Marketing Company is there to serve your budding business development ideas like never before!!

Various Aspects of a Video SEO

We’ve already highlighted different rules that are considered for better Video SEO for your website. In this segment, we’ll comprehensively discuss all such aspects. Video SEO isn’t only a concept but a process that you need to undergo amid your internet marketing campaign. We’ll talk about the whole process in the approaching segment. However, before that, you need to understand what Video SEO actually consists of. Let’s understand through the enlisted points:

1. Keywords

Yes, keywords work for your video marketing objectives too. You need to understand that videos also consist of certain dialogues or information present in the form of audio. Moreover, there’s a title tag & description associated with your online video too. You need to mention the keywords or search engine queries there to serve your audience effectively. Keywords are the phrases or words that users put into the search engine to get relatable results in the form of website URLs. 

2. Video Content

Another aspect that’s essential for search engine consideration is the video content itself. First, the content should follow a standard size & format as per your target audience. Second, it should be quite relatable and addressing a solution against the user expectations. A wrong or inappropriate information can ruin the trust of prospective visitors in your video content. So you have to decide on the relevance of your video content with respect to the user issues out there. 

3. Social Media Linking

Link building is an inseparable part of website SEO. Whether on-page or off-page, you need to create internal & external links associated with your website content frequently. Social media linking is an external sort of linking that brings notable traffic and user engagement to your website content. Promoting your website videos on social media platforms could be a great idea through which you can enhance your marketing relationships with your consumers & audience. 

4. Products & Services

Every online marketing company has its unique collection of consumer goods & services to be represented for sales. You also have one. If not, you’re probably running a personal blog and nothing else. Besides, you can run an eCommerce store or a product review blog as well. The users are often concerned about certain video clips on such websites and that’s where you can decide on your website traffic essentially. You can bring notable traffic to your cornerstone content and consequently rank your web pages accordingly. 

5. Backlinks

Besides social media, there could be other potential sources from where you can bring backlinks to your target website pages and videos. Moreover, you can also make your videos a backlink to your website through certain guest posting approaches. More external backlinks intensify your online reputation before the search engine crawlers. That’s your opportunity to reach a higher search engine ranking. The users can link back to your website videos via different business directories, blog comments, forum comments, classified ads, and social media posts.

Therefore, we suggest you come up with a complete Video SEO strategy consisting of likewise aspects for better performance & considerable outcome. Besides, you can also consult eGoodMedia anytime to let us know if our groundbreaking Digital Marketing & Website Optimization Services fits worthy for your revolutionary business plans or not!

Difference Between Video SEO & YouTube SEO

Some of you might be confused between YouTube SEO & Video SEO. The confusion is quite relatable. A lot of your YouTube SEO videos can also link back to your target web pages. It could be a great source of ranking though, it’s not focused on your website videos anyway. In fact, your website videos encourage an outbound sharing option for the visitors to share your videos with their friends outside of your website. Hence, Video SEO & YouTube SEO is different. Video SEO concentrates on getting organic traffic from various search engines on your website video content. On the other hand, YouTube SEO is just associated with your video content on YouTube.

Moreover, you’re not bound to follow typical search engine norms & protocols to rank your YouTube videos on YouTube itself. YouTube is itself a sort of search engine dedicated to user queries for specific videos. Talking about video content or Video SEO, it’s quite similar to the process involved in your Website SEO. In fact, it’s a part of your Website SEO process. 

You can explore more differences between the two by running your own video marketing projects for whatever priorities you have. You can create both your YouTube Channel & Website Videos for a better understanding of your business development. Additionally, eGoodMedia is also there to guide you throughout your Digital Marketing & Social Media Monitoring Campaign. Just share your concern today!!

Steps to Employ Video SEO to Your Online Marketing Campaign

As discussed earlier, Video SEO is not just a digital marketing approach but a complete process that you need to undergo within your marketing campaign. You won’t face any considerable challenges if you know what search engine optimization is really about. However, you can also approach expert advice & assistance if you’re not able to devote ample time to your website marketing efforts as such. In this segment, we’re going to talk about different steps you’re required to go through amid organizing your Video SEO strategy. So, let’s get started:

1. Index Your Videos

Indexing is the foremost step you have to take so that your content gets displayed on the search engine results, whether video, audio, text, or image. Indexing means you organize your content in a systematic way and the search engine crawlers don’t find it challenging to rank you in the SERPs as such. You might have different video content on your website. You can index them for a better user experience too. It will be a very good start for your SEO campaign. 

To provide the information needed in this context you have to make sure on your corresponding metadata associated with your website video that consists: 

  • Video title
  • Length of the video
  • Video file location
  • Thumbnail image of the video
  • Description of the video etc

2. Checking For Indexed Video

The approaching step is to check if your videos are actually indexed or not. If not then Google is not going to rank the corresponding URLs in the result pages. For checking video indexing you can simply follow these steps:

  • Go to
  • Place the page URL consisting of your target video content
  • You’ll find a page appearing along with a video snippet 
  • That means a search engine has successfully crawled your web page comprising the video
  • You can also make use of the Google Rich Results Tester if facing some issue with the appearance of your website video as such

Checking for indexed videos can help you decide on your upcoming marketing strategy effectively. You have to work on other videos too. Hence you’re advised to focus on the next videos in the list and not waste too much time on one particular stuff. You can also take expert advice regarding your issue from a renowned Search Engine Optimization & Marketing Company out there.

3. Work on Your Video Thumbnails

Video thumbnails are the external descriptions and motion effects that tell the audience what resides in the video like a little summary. The users can decide whether to go to the video or not by simply watching the corresponding thumbnail in the video frame. Though they can also skip a particular video in this circumstance, it doesn’t stop them from checking out other essential videos on your web page or other website pages. It is simply a matter of choice that you have to offer your web page visitors. You’re not supposed to force them, instead, you can recommend certain videos that you believe are the perfect one against their user queries. 

4. Enhance Your Video Title

Next, you have to intensify your video title. The video title is the true identity of the video content you want to offer your web page visitors. It is a crucial aspect to be considered in this way. The visitors see the title before visiting your website page on the SERPs. These titles must match their target concern or search engine queries. Remember that your website content should be able to solve a specific user issue or demand associated with a particular product, service, or topic your website is based on. Video titles also help them identify where they are on your website & where they need to head further.

5. Length of The Video

The length of the video particularly decides how much time the user is going to spend on it. Moreover, the classification of the video also plays an indivisible role in this context. Some videos are naturally longer than usual. But they’re actually required to be. And the users also like to spend some more time exploring these videos. It can be a tutorial video or an explainer video usually. 

But there’s another group of website visitors out there you have to impress with your creativity. You have to compress a video so that the corresponding group also likes it and doesn’t feel like wasting a lot of time on what you have for them. Certain videos are not created to be longer than 1 or 2 minutes. You need to figure what these videos are exactly about.

6. Video Description

Video description addresses a summarized form of information about your video content in the search engine results. It must be a quick answer to the user query. So you have to create it accordingly. You can again make use of relative keywords to create meta descriptions in this context. The users get to see such descriptions very quickly and therefore you can grab crucial user attention at the very beginning of your marketing campaign. 

7. Captions

The next important step is to create notable captions for your video content. It is essentially required when you’re posting on some social media platform. You can enjoy numerous benefits of posting the same video content on your social media handles. There are millions of followers & users that could connect & approach your website by going through your video content on the same. 

8. Linking

You can also link to other web pages from your video content. You can let your visitors enjoy such amenities and send them to other web pages for more information regarding a particular topic. Internal linking is an amazing way your target audience can get engaged with your website content. 

9. Analyze The Performance

Ultimately we recommend you measure the outcome of your Video SEO efforts. You can’t make it perfect if you don’t know potential flaws in your video content. Now that doesn’t mean that your website videos are always going to be filled with mistakes and flaws. But when they’re you have to make considerable changes in your video content for better future performance. 

Closing Thoughts on Video SEO

In this way, you can optimize your video content for better search engine rankings and user recognition. The aim of search engine optimization is to place your website content in the leading search results. So whether you have your website videos or images to rank in the top SERPs, just get started with a potential SEO approach. eGoodMedia is waiting to support you with your Website SEO & Search Engine Marketing plan. Just get in touch with our skilled online marketing experts today!!